We have experience advising companies in the sector. Our approach lies in our special knowledge of the production chain and the activities carried out by each agent in the market, their obligations, and rights, and even the end consumer.
We have experience advising companies in the sector. Our approach lies in our special knowledge of the production chain and the activities carried out by each agent in the market, their obligations, and rights, and even the end consumer.
The cannabis sector is one of the government's great bets. It has specific regulations that require specialised professionals. We have successfully acquired licences for several fields, conducting the due diligence so that companies obtain their licences and keep them, amongst other requirements from the sector.
The 4.0 industrial revolution drives a constant change in activities and processes, which has required extensive work from our firm in the execution of contracts for the development and execution of new business models in the field of fintech, startups, blockchain and crypto assets.
This sector has been the focus of investment by nationals and foreigners. In this sense, we have the capacity and experience to provide security to your businesses on real estate assets and their derivatives.
La industria del arte y entretenimiento cuenta con características propias que permite que los agentes del mercado, entre ellos, artistas e influenciadores, ejerzan su actividad sin necesidad de una asesoría preventiva, no obstante, las autoridades se han esforzado por regular el sector económico de manera rigurosa. En nuestra Firma lo asesoramos para que mitigue los…
Miguel Ángel Lucas
Abogado Socio
Encargado de la práctica de Derecho de la Competencia y Cumplimiento Normativo, con más de 10 años de experiencia, egresado de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, especialista en Derecho Comercial de la Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Derecho de la Competencia y Cumplimiento Normativo
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David M. Hernández Velásquez
Abogado Socio
Encargado de la práctica de Comercio Exterior y Estructuración Patrimonial, con más de 15 años de experiencia, egresado de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Licenciado en Derecho de la Universidad del País Vasco (San Sebastián, España), especialista en Derecho de los Negocios de la Universidad Externado de Colombia, y especialista en Petróleos y Energía de la Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Comercio Exterior y Estructuración Patrimonial
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Otros Servicios
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Foreign investment
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Negotiations and conciliations
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- Tax declarations for natural and legal persons
- Financial and accounting planning
- Tax advice
- Tax-related sanction processes
- Tax return processes
- Accounting outsourcing
- Payroll outsourcing
Accounting and taxes
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